"I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind. What is twisted cannot be straightened; what is lacking cannot be counted." ~ 1:14-15
"I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that men will revere him." ~ 3:14
"I saw that all who lived and walked under the sun followed the youth, the king's successor. There was no end to all the people who were before them. But those who came later were not pleased with the successor. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind." ~ 4:15-16
God is the only one in control of our lives and our circumstances. The things that come to pass are allowed in His sovereignty. Whenever there is a storm brewing around us, all God wants us to do is to rest in Him and take the peace He offers us that surpasses all understanding. It is wonderful to go to bed at night knowing that I worship and am known by the Creator of all things, that I may die yet will live forever, that all things will one day be made right.
Soli Deo gloria!
For a better recap of these thoughts, here's a link to John Piper talking about the "most important issues" in the 2008 election. He says "America is not my allegiance, God and Heaven are my allegiance." He's got some good stuff to say, check it out!