Greetings from the supposed “Land of the Morning Calm”. Lately it’s been getting really hot here. It also rains a good bit so days are generally muggy. But overall I’m definitely enjoying the warm weather for a change and don’t mind it one bit. It can stay all year for all I care.
Before I came to Korea I thought for sure I would be blogging all the time. I figured at least a couple updates each month, right? Sounded easy enough. But I now find that over a month has passed since I last sat down to reflect and write about my life here. In my last post I mentioned a desire to try to slow down the pace of my life. If anything my life has speeded up!! Now the summer is in full gear and since I’m still working full time I don’t see things letting up until my vacation at the end of July.
Here are Amy and Grace, two sweet little girls that have wormed their way into my heart. They were all ready to go on our field trip to the zoo!
This past month I’ve been busy teaching most of the time. Earlier in the month I had an “open house” of sorts where parents of my students came to school and sat in on my class. The preparations leading up to it and the pressure that was being put on me to perform and impress the parents was a bit overwhelming. But God was gracious to me and it went very well. I was so glad to be done with it! I also had the opportunity to perform in a play that was part of a fringe festival my church put on one Saturday. So, many evenings of this past month were spent going to and from rehearsal. I really enjoyed it though and was able to get to know a lot more people from my church.
Here’s a scene from our play “The Interim” in which I played a sort of cynical, annoying neighbor/friend.
Another thing I’ve done this month to add to my schedule is joining my church’s refreshment team. I help serve drinks and refreshments to people after/in between services. My responsibilities also entail helping out in the church’s cafe. I certainly feel right in my element since I spent several years working at a cafe when I lived in Blacksburg. Even though it means giving up more of my time and waking up fairly early on Sundays to make the long trip to church in time, I’ve found that just being able to serve and give back a little has been a huge blessing and joy to me. I’ve also really enjoyed getting to know more and more of the people who are a part of my church.
During the week, when I’m not teaching, at church or small group, I might be getting dinner with a co-worker or friend or going for a walk. On Saturdays I usually try to get outdoors and find a place to enjoy some nature away from the city. This usual translates into riding a subway to the bottom of a mountain and hiking up on unusually crowded trails to the peak. Generally I can find a bit of peace and quiet on the mountains in spite of the many other hikers enjoying the same place. Hiking in Korea is definitely a favorite and popular past time! Usually when I hike I go with one of my Korean co-workers, Joy. In addition to being a sister in Christ, she has been a great friend and comfort to me and I’ve had a great time getting to know her better! The following pictures are from a couple of my hikes.
Last but not least, I also went with some friends to see a lantern parade of sorts a while back. The purpose of the festival was to celebrate Buddha’s birthday. I wasn’t really sure what to think of it all but I did enjoy seeing all the huge, lit-up paper lanterns. Here are a couple photos from that event.
I suppose that I’m mostly adjusted to living here. Sometimes I feel a little tired of Korean food and always having a language barrier, but I’m definitely getting used to it. I am even finding that I’m developing a taste for kimchi! I never thought I’d see the day.
I am so excited about my upcoming week of vacation next month. It will be a much needed respite from daily being crowded in a room with a bunch of crazy, rowdy kids! I am also looking forward to it because I am expecting a visit from my boyfriend, Jonathan. I haven’t seen him since Christmas of last year, so we are definitely thrilled about getting to spend some time together in person. I also can’t wait to show him around and have someone see what my life is like here. I appreciate your prayers (for safety and wisdom) as we spend this much needed time together.
Alright, friends, I think that’s probably as much as you’d like to know about in one sitting. I’m sorry for my delay and lack of diligence in sending updates. I will try to do a better job! Thank you for your love and care and for sending me updates on your lives. I love and miss you all!
~Heather in Seoul