I've been reminiscing looking at old pictures that I have. My life has changed so very much in just a couple of years: I went from being home schooled, to attending a private Venezuelan school, to attending middle school in the U.S. of A., to boarding school, to an international secular school, to finally an international Christian school where I lived in a hostel, and now college way up here in Virginia! So many people went in and out of my life, it's weird to look back. The older memories are starting to fade, but I hope I never forget. I decided to put up some pictures of me as a kid and in my earlier teen years, since most of the friends I have now have only known me for less than a year. Wow, my little sister has grown up soo much since these pictures, and Ben too. I believe I have as well
. Ok, now time for pictures:
Here I am with my family, posing on our lunch break during one of the many workteam visits we got when I was growing up. They came to help us out with construction for the Camp Chuparipal, which my Dad directed in Eastern Venezuela. We lived in that area for 10 years. I was a serious tomboy then
My little sister, Melissa, and I had just finished putting together a puzzle when this picture was taken. I was thirteen or fourteen.
Melissa has always been a drama queen. So I did my part of dressing her up and doing her make-up.
Fourteen years old at my 8th grade graduation.
These were some of my best buds from boarding school, Christy and Lisseth. We were in 9th grade in this picture. Christy actually came to visit me here at Tech last semester. She's in Hawaii now and I really miss her!!!
Christy and I, at the top of Mt. Baldy. Well at least thats what we called it because it was flat on top, like the head of an old, bald man. I never knew what it was really called. Below us lies Rubio, a town in the foothills of the Andes where our boarding school was, right on the border of Colombia.
Ahhh, the curly hair! It's always been there
. These girls, Christina and Milena, were the only girls who were nice to me at the one school I went to
. But anyways, I actually ran into them over Christmas break! They were at the airport, flying back home to Venezuela to visit their families, just like me
Here I am with Melissa, and a friend I've been close to since I was three, Sairis. Even though we moved 5 hrs away from where she lived, we still got together quite often. In this picture we were pouring over our favorite teen magazine at the time called TU.
Ben, Melissa and I are at a mall on the Island of Margarita, which is off the coast of Venezuela. We used to go there a lot for Christmas vacation, but lately we've decided to go the more rustic way, and camp way down south in the jungle
. This was about 3-4 years ago.
I guess that's about it, a revised compact edition of my early teen years. Fun, awesome times, where I was still naive and didn't even think about college
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