I am too tired to go into too many details, but seeing as I left my journal in the U.S. to save space in my suitcase, I wanted to write some of these things down and record my feelings, thoughts to maybe copy later into my other journal. I am very tired.
But anyways two days ago I heard back from a camp that I had applied to for a year-long internship. They sent me two lines letting me know they weren't going to hire me and told me they were going to proceed with other applicants who were "more suited to their needs". I was pretty sad about the whole thing because I had really wanted it and sensed God was maybe leading me in that direction. But realizing that crying about it wasn't going to change a thing, I decided to just move on, look up, look forward and not worry about it.
Two days later I am amazed at all that has taken place. I'm only down here in Venezuela for two short weeks just to help my family move and go to my sister's graduation, (or so I thought) but clearly God has his own plans. Today I spent several hours talking with a missionary couple down here. My family has known them for what seems like forever. My parents met the wife on their first visit to Venezuela before they even went to language school in Costa Rica. I was probably 2 at the time. It really is a whole long story. But the point of the story is, they were sharing with me the vision they have for the work they are doing here in Venezuela. The passion and excitement they have is contagious. As they shared about where God was leading them and the specific needs they had I got more and more interested. They essentially are trying to put a system/program in place to train up Venezuelan missionaries to send to the 10/40 window. I can go into more details about that later...it's so very exciting and brilliant!
I am nearly ready to fall asleep, but just want to say that in a year or so I may find myself returning to Venezuela to join their team. (I'm inserting this comment here to say that since I first wrote this I have realized it will most likely be several years as I need to get different types of training and pay off my college debt). There are many many other things that seem to line up perfectly with how I have sensed God leading me and the training and skills I have acquired up to this point. Direction, purpose - something to aim for, what a wonderful, joyous blessing! But as always, this will only happen if it is the Lord's will. So now is the time to pray and seek out his leading. Still, if signposts continue to be as clear as the conversation today...I won't need much more convincing!
Great update, thanks! Will be watching and praying. Missed you at Gravitate last night... good turnout, and if I may say, we can grill up a pretty good dinner... :) Good discussion on Matt 3-4 led by Matt Newton. Beautiful weather, 70ish and balmy.