It is interesting how I find it difficult to share about things that can get me down. I love elaborating on stories of my “adventures” and the fun things I get to do. Yet the darker times of life seem to want to withdraw from the public eye and be forgotten. What I am trying to say is that I have been sick. A lot. Since arriving in Korea over a month and a half ago, I have had maybe one full week where I felt strong and healthy. At first I just had a bad cold. That lasted for about 2+ weeks soon after getting here. All the other new teachers at my school got sick as well. For some reason, all the transitioning and being around little kids’ germs turned out to be the perfect recipe for getting sick.
But it didn’t stop there. My body continued to get worn down. I think the fact that I was sick a good deal over the Christmas holidays may have contributed to wearing down my system. In any case, my immune system pretty much got shot, and combined with high levels of stress and a rather severe hormone imbalance I ended up getting some strange symptoms and infections. I managed to pick up something that wore me out down to the bone. I spent 11 hours delirious with fever and barely able to get around my tiny apartment. The next day I went to the doctor. Two days later I was suffering so much and was so scared and weak that I finally checked myself into the hospital and took a sick day from work. Six hours later, after various examinations and tests, I was on my way home, satisfied that I wasn’t dying and armed with 4 different medications.
Then began the slow process of recovering. I don’t remember ever feeling so sick in all my life. I still don’t know everything that was/is wrong with me. It was so hard to keep going when I was afraid, in pain and very weak. I was almost ready to call it quits and head back to the U.S. But I am so glad that I didn’t! During all this time I have been working every day except for the day I went to the hospital, so I have been hard pressed to find the time to relax and the energy to write about what’s been going on. Today I am feeling very hopeful and I desire to get well again so very badly! The latest is that I’ve had a pretty bad cough for about two weeks and for the past 4 days or so I’ve been experiencing asthma symptoms and have been having difficulty sleeping due to constant coughing.
Still, as I said at the beginning, I feel as if I am running into marvelous light!!! God has been so good to me during all this time. My health insurance was all set up and working just in time for me to start paying for all my medical bills. Although healthcare is cheaper here than in the U.S., I would have been put back a good deal more if I hadn’t had insurance. Also, when I was at the hospital I met some amazing people who were very kind and helpful to me. One of the office staff at the hospital speaks great English and was recruited to translate for me. Since I had to go back 2 more times for checkups, I ended up exchanging contact information with her and now have a new Korean friend! In addition to that, the staff at my school have been so understanding and helpful to me, taking me to the doctor and just doing whatever they could to take care of me.
Speaking of my school, I couldn’t have been any more fortunate. I’m realizing with the passage of time how I ended up sitting pretty at a very nice establishment, especially in comparison to others! My school is nearly 20 years old and the main branch of over 25 branches in the Kids' College franchise, so it benefits from the very fact that it has been around for a while and is respected and well known. And in my time here I haven’t heard any stories of any scandals (random firings or breaches of contract) in the past. The school is pretty well organized and structured. And the Korean staff are wonderful – so hard working and disciplined! Their work ethic inspires me every day! I am so thankful for my Korean co-teacher, Amy, who has just been a joy and a blessing to work with!!
On top of all this, I got my first paycheck. It was so nice this past Monday to finally have some money in the bank. I have been splurging on groceries, especially fresh fruit and veggies, now that I am no longer scraping pennies together. I feel so well cared for and just blessed beyond what I could ever imagine before coming here! Yes, teaching is very hard and exhausting work and my health is not quite back up to par – yet I am so content and satisfied with my life right now!
I am even thankful for the sickness that I have endured. I was brought to a place where all I could do was draw near to God, and He did not disappoint. I treasure the riches I have gained through experiencing suffering while resting gently and securely in the cleft of the rock, hidden by the mighty hand of my heavenly Father. I am also thankful to have had a tiny window into the world of those who are chronically ill and who suffer all sorts of trials and hardships in their bodies. I hope to remember what I went through and I hope that it will translate into future compassion and tenderness towards others who are trapped in sickness and poor health.
So there you have it, a rather lengthy expose on the, err, “finer” details of my life here in Korea. I meant to say some things about the church I’ve joined and my awesome new small group but I am weary and fear that all this has been long enough already! Next time I will share more about those things. For now, I’ll leave you with a picture of myself and one of my students who had a birthday this month. I was very much sick when this was taken, but I was still very proud of my beautiful little princess! I trust that all of you who this reaches are well and daily being made aware of the riches and fullness of life in Christ!
Here's another group shot at the monthly birthday party. One of my students ran off apparently, as I only count 10 kids!
i am so proud of you and INSPIRED by you! you are amazing, miss heather! :) you're in my thoughts and prayers as always.