Wow. Incredible. I am currently at the end of my time in Korea. Don’t know if I said this before or not, but it really feels surreal. In some ways it feels like it was forever ago that I came here, but in many more ways it feels like it was just yesterday. This year has been full of challenges and joys and I’m grateful for all I’ve learned.
This week I taught my final kindergarten and elementary classes. I watched my precious kinder students graduate and move up to first grade! I said some tearful goodbyes to students and co-workers. And once more I’m all packed up and ready to move. Transition, transition – it never seems to end. I think I will always feel like a stranger and traveler in this world. In the midst of uncertainty and new beginnings, I am thankful for the reminder of just how transient this life is, and how I’ll never be completely at home until I am with Christ in glory.
I’ve been pretty busy lately and under a fair amount of emotional/mental stress. I think it’s got me feeling a bit like a broken record. I can’t fully process everything because so much has been happening. But I am looking forward to some time of renewal and recuperation. There is a lot of change in my life right now, but I know it’s going to be ok. I am excited for the future and I look forward to continuing on the path set before me.
Tomorrow I will move out of my apartment and travel out to the area near the Incheon Airport. I’ll stay at a hotel for my last night and be on my way to Spain the next day! I am so happy to be seeing my parents again very soon and getting to explore some more of Spain and Europe. Life is great and I’m so thankful for mine.
Grace, Daisy and Amanda on the morning of our last field trip.
My co-teacher, Amy, and I
Sally, Amy and Grace after their graduation!!
You DID it, Heather! You reached the finish line! We are proud of you and can hear how much this has changed you, grown you and equipped you for the next unknown. May you rest in the Knowing One as He takes your hand and leads you on...