December 29, 2009
The in between time
December 24, 2009
Being sick on Christmas Eve
December 23, 2009
A Few of My Favorite Things
3. My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers
4. Flickr
5. My trusty old Canon 20D
6. Peppermint Bark
7. Turner Classic Movies
8. Writing in notebooks
9. 22 inches of snow
10. Libraries full of books
December 19, 2009
Snowed In
Here are a couple pictures from today:
December 05, 2009
Family History on my Mother's Side
December 03, 2009
Sending off documents for my VISA
November 24, 2009
New Blog & different focus
to, but the content is the same...
November 12, 2009
Jumbled thought stream + upcoming weekend
I've been so busy I've hardly been able to think straight. Got to keep myself from getting over-stressed. Anyways, peacing out here. Got to get some shut-eye. Not too much to share otherwise. Except that I'm trying to start a new blog with a more specific focus. I'm hoping it will be good writing practice and provide an outlet for some thoughts that seem to need a place of their own. Oh and I'm trying to learn more about editing html! It's really a lot of fun!
oh and P.S. I'm learning some lessons on patience and waiting, long-suffering and endurance. I want to learn to persevere.
November 07, 2009
observation + new job
I have found that it is rather difficult to waste time on the internet now that I'm not using facebook. I haven't logged in since last Friday! (1 week, 1 day and counting).
Yes, it does make me happy. I feel so free!!
I've spent 3 days of training/orientation to the church secretary job I've accepted. There are so many little responsibilities to keep track of! Well and a couple big ones too, such as answering the phone, preparing the Order of Worship (i.e. church bulletin) & announcements, updating the webpage, ordering supplies...and the list goes on. I just hope I can remember to do the most important things.
I like my new job and the people I'll be working with - senior pastor, associate pastor, financial secretary, school administrators, etc. Hopefully I'll get the swing of things soon so that I don't feel like my brain is going in a million places at once burning itself out trying to remember everything.
Right now I'm also getting adjusted to life here with my grandparents in general. New town, new responsibilities, new expectations put on me, etc. I really want this to be a good, productive, growing period. We shall see...
November 02, 2009
Answers to Prayer
Secondly, I accepted a job teaching English to kindergarten and elementary students at a private school in Daechi-dong Korea. Kids College is the name of the school. You can see some pics from their school by going here. It's all in Korean but pictures are pictures, right?
I should be starting February 25th, 2010. Not sure if that's the day I fly over, or if I will leave sooner.
All in all I'm really excited and can't wait to start. I wonder how quickly the months will go by until then.
My Mom
Tomorrow my Mom is being operated on for breast cancer.
I don't really know what to think about it. I don't want to worry or make a big deal about it, but then there are always risks going into surgery and things could get complicated.
On the bright side, the type of cancer she has is classified as one of the least dangerous and they found it at a very early stage. Still, it makes me uneasy. I just hope that everything goes well and that she can keep up her good spirits like she's been doing so far. She's such a trooper and I'm so proud of her.
On another plus side, I will be making dinner tomorrow evening. I don't usually cook and tend to shy/shirk away from it but I really need to beef up that side of my "real-life resume" so I'm looking forward to that.
Again. I know! So the day after my mom's surgery I'll be moving down to live with my grandparents for the next 3 months or so. I'm taking a job as the secretary at their church while I wait to go to Korea. I'm going to miss spending lots of time with my parents. It's been really cool getting to reconnect after having spent so many years living apart from them.
I'm also going to miss the friends I have made here at Occoquan Bible Church. I got involved with their young adults group and really had a nice time with them. I'll definitely have to come back to visit a couple weekends.
Job Hunt in Korea
I'm talking with a couple recruiters to find a job. I'm now trying to get placed as near to Daechi-Dong, Seoul as possible since I found out that's where a friend of mine lives. Meanwhile I'm trying to gather the necessary documents for my E2-Visa. That has hit a couple bumps in the road, but I hope will wrap up before too long.
I'm listening to some Korean language lessons on audio and am trying to pick up some phrases & key words. So far it's a bit slow but I'm loving the excuse to learn another language. I was humbled in this new pursuit of mine today when I tried out a phrase on a native Korean and he had to do his best not to laugh at me and could hardly understand what I was saying. Oh well, I should just get used to that I suppose and keep trying!
November 01, 2009
Kicking the Facebook habit
I can hardly believe I'm doing this, but now that I have begun, I can't believe it took so long to get to this point.
Pretty much I'm cutting Facebook out of my life at least until next year. That sounds more dramatic than it really is. That's only 2 months. Still, I don't think I've ever gone longer than a week without logging into Facebook, if even that. And I have had an account since the fall of 2004. That was 5 years ago!! Facebook has become as natural as breathing, except I have found myself wasting hours and hours on the thing, and unlike oxygen, it has less possitive effects on my system. It kind of makes me sick just thinking about it. Yes, I have really enjoyed keeping in touch with some people and maybe reconnecting with long, lost friends, but has it been worth it when I look at how much time and energy I've wasted on it doing stupid things or mindlessly crawling over every public inch of the site? I really don't know.
Regardless, I decided one night out of the blue that I was going to do this and now I'm really excited about it. I'm already dreaming up plans for redeeming the time that it has thus far has been sucking out of me. I think the saddest part of it right now is that I honestly can't imagine life without being addicted to a social-networking site. How did people "network socially" in the past without the internet? It seems like they were doing a pretty good job of it to me.
Oh, and I'm also not going to be going on Flickr for that time either. I recently started getting on a whole lot more and realized I could look at other people's cool pictures forever. But that won't get me anywhere. So, Flickr had to go, too.
What's left? Email is definitely still happening, there is no getting around that one. But that's fine because I don't have a habit of obsessively checking it every hour of the day. And, of course, my blog. Sometimes it's my one piece of sanity I think. I will probably end up writing here a little more than usual to calm my jarred nerves suffering from Facebook deprivation (as I'm doing now).
Wish me luck! :b
October 28, 2009
Irony should be my middle name
Still, inspite of apparent ironies, I know there is a greater force at work.
First real job offer
What I don't know is if I should go ahead and accept this position or if I should wait and explore other options. The problem is, there currently aren't any other options. I am talking with a couple recruiters but I'm still in the initial stages with them and it could be a couple of weeks before I find something through them.
I think I'm a little hesitant because it is such a huge step. I also have my reservations about the trustworthiness of a school that is so far away. Which reminds me, I need to ask my recruiter to get me pictures of the school and housing. That should help me decide I suppose.
The other thing is that I don't know if I would be good with such little kids. I'll be teaching kids from ranging from age 5 to 10 roughly from 9 am - 6 pm each day. I'm going to have to have a ton of energy to keep up with them and stay on top of things. Maybe I can look at it like camp counseling, except I get to go home to my own place and actually get sleep at night. Now that I think about it that way, it seems pretty nice! I am really tempted to go ahead and say yes to this opportunity.
I'll be sure to update here once I decide.
October 20, 2009
Job hunt road block
Still, I am in a position where I need to regroup and re-strategize (I don't think that's a word). The recruiter I've been working with has left me feeling like a hacky sack. Up and down, up and down is the name of the game. It's really difficult communicating when there's a 13 hour time difference. I feel like our correspondence goes into a time machine and may or may not reach it's destination.
It's looking like the public school option is just not going to work. Apparently it matters that I didn't do my high school studies in the U.S. Also, I love (not) how I was told exactly how my letters of recommendation needed to be AFTER I had already requested them. Great timing folks. Come to find out, TEFL course instructor references are not valid and all letters have to be in jpeg or pdf format. Ok, all that makes sense, but why tell me now?? More than a week after I was told to request them and then did so?
I'm going to probably end up going the hagwon (private school) route. Bring it! It worries me a bit, because I've heard bad stories; but I've also heard good ones too. The game plan now is to lay low until I have all my documents ready, THEN apply for those jobs so I'm not caught in the middle waiting like a worm on a hook. So stressful.
I don't want to say anything bad about the recruiter I've been working with. It's not their fault that I have a complicated background and can't get reference letters. We just may not be a good fit. I'm tempted to check out Footprints Recruiting or Gone2Korea. Or WorkNPlay. I've heard them recommended as well. We shall see. I just needed to get this down and have my thoughts played out. For now I'm packing up my car and heading down to my grandparent's for a couple days.
At least there is this: I have a part-time job from November 9th until I leave for Korea!!! This, my friends, is good news :)
October 17, 2009
Part of the Equation
Do you ever feel so insignificant and lowly that you wonder why you even try anything at all?
I do. Sometimes.
It's not a good place to be. It's kinda lonely and dreary. I think everyone has those days. But today is NOT one of those days for me. I had my cousins and aunt come to visit me. They cared to spend time with me, share some good laughs, and add to our treasure trove of memories. It is so wonderful to be loved. It warms your heart.
The evil one may tempt to despair, he may reach out his tentacles to wrap us in fear and doubt. When you listen to him you may think that you can be canceled out, disappeared, and no one would even notice.
But that is a lie.
2 Thessalonians 2:13: But we should always give thanks to God for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God has chosen you from the beginning for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and faith in the truth.
Isaiah 42:6-7:
I am the LORD, I have called You in righteousness,
I will also hold You by the hand and watch over You,
And I will appoint You as a covenant to the people,
As a light to the nations,
To open blind eyes,
To bring out prisoners from the dungeon
And those who dwell in darkness from the prison.
Today, I know that I am part of the equation. I do matter. People care. God has chosen me. Believing His truths and promises is the best antidote to the temptation to despair.
Today, I want to persevere. I want to shine together with the great cloud of witnesses.
God is good.
October 15, 2009
Fingers Crossed
So I'm waiting and waiting. What to do in the mean time? I'm trying to think of others that might be able to write a recommendation letter for me. I think I need to work on trusting God, that he is sovereign and in control of all these details. Still, I don't want to leave any rocks uncovered. I think mostly I don't want to get my hopes up again only to have them crushed. I'm not sure I could handle that very well.
October 13, 2009
My Love Affair with Abandoned Places
Here's the recently demolished house in Salem.
View from inside the Skyline Parkway Motor Court
Mountain View Manor
Thanks for reading friend! If you want to see more of my pictures, you can check out my photostream in the flickr box on the right.
September 30, 2009
Applying for ESL jobs
This is all pretty crazy and uncharted territory. Four months ago I had no idea I would be applying for ESL jobs in Korea! But I'm so glad to have a direction to head towards. Hopefully all this will work out and I can find a position to start teaching at by February.
I'm still feeling a bit numb and calloused towards God, which is like being tied to a pole 2 feet from a drinking fountain on a blistering hot day. I'm trying to work through these things.
Oh Lord show me compassion and mercy. May your tenderness and love bind up that which has been torn asunder within me. I know this world has nothing for me. I will seek you first, Lord. You will hear my voice early in the morning and late in the night.
September 25, 2009
I need a change
The trouble with that is that I'm supressing a lot of thoughts and reactions to things. From now on I think I will start just saying what's on my mind. Probably shouldn't get me into trouble, but maybe it just might. Maybe it should push the envelope a bit. In a good way. I'm just a broken person with issues so obviously some things I come up with could could just be off. But not all things. If I'm serious about this God thing, and am pursuing his Kingdom, my life (not just this blog) should be saying some things that just might be offensive to some.
The extreme measures God went to to redeem us should push us to extreme measures for his sake. My life is desperately crying out for an overhaul of pretty much everything that is in me, minus my relationship with Christ. Maybe some of that will make its way here. I'm going to unpack it all. I need to be stripped down to the core. Please, holy fire, quicken your flames to this rotting pile of flesh. I want to be free.
September 02, 2009
a tiny speck
My God is one who created EVERYTHING. He is Lord over ALL creation. A master designer of all things beautiful and complex. What a wonderful God. I am so in awe of Him and can only long to humbly serve Him. What an honor to be used by Him! There can be no greater aspiration than to know God and bring Him glory.
Even though I am but the tiniest of specks and derived from the dust, I have the breath of God within me. I have been given life, an astounding opportunity to reflect my God and give back to my Creator.
August 30, 2009
What I mean is this, I feel distant from God. I don't like feeling this way at all. But as much as I try I can't seem to bridge the gap. As time goes on I feel more cold, as if my life were slowly fading away. Is there a cure for this sickness? My conscience tells me yes, repentance. This I have tried but it seems to be of no use. Does God just stay SILENT sometimes on purpose? Or is he speaking to me and I just can't hear him? I do not want to slide any farther but I can't seem to get my footing. There has been so much change in my life lately that I can hardly recognize a thing. I don't even recognize myself right now.
August 29, 2009
LADO TEFL certificate
All in all, I think the course was really good. It definitely pushed me to the breaking point a couple of times, but I am so glad I didn't quit. It was something I needed to do. I think it has made me stronger and inclined me to be more proactive. Teaching is really quite rewarding when you see your students catch on to what's being taught and they get excited about learning and practicing English. I do think teaching is a good fit for me, at least with the meager 13 hours of experience I have had so far. Time might say otherwise, but only after a serious dedication to teaching for some time would I even think about turning to something else. Now the task at hand is to land that first teaching gig, wherever in the world that may be.
I've always wanted to travel extensively abroad, but now that I am facing a very good possibility of doing so I find myself holding back just a little bit. Maybe it's the uncertainty of going out into the world all by myself. I definitely always hoped I'd do some traveling once I found that special someone, but things are the way they are for a reason and I am determined to accept my circumstances as a gift. I am young, single, unattached and multilingual. It would seem that indeed the world is my oyster. Now I just need to the guts to step out on my own adventure.
July 31, 2009
Whirlwind Summer
A couple days later I packed up my car and drove to Hopewell, VA to store some belongings at my grandparents and also to be closer to the Richmond airport for my trip to Venezuela. May 19th I flew out sans my granddad, as he found out the previous day he could not travel, and arrived in Barcelona, Venezuela around 7 p.m. the same day. Over the next two weeks I helped with housework such as cleaning, cooking and laundering, drove my sister to school, visited with old friends, helped my parents pack up their lives and home, attended my sister's high school graduation and a church wedding in the same night, and had a nice long, eye-opening chat with a missionary couple.
June 2nd, I traveled from Barcelona to Miami with my mom, dad and sister as we all left Venezuela for good. (My parents have finished their 20-year stint as church planters/missionaries in Venezuela and are back in the U.S. for a yearlong furlough of sorts). After arriving in Miami, we rented a car and drove up to Perry, FL to stay with my other grandparents. We spent a week there trying to relax and process our departure from Venezuela and gear up for the remainder of the summer. The day we left we traveled by car to Columbia, SC. After one night we went to Myrtle Beach. The next day we drove to Hopewell, VA. The next day, June 11th, I left my family behind and drove up to Mercersburg, PA for a friend's bachelorette party. Two days later I was a bridesmaid in the wedding for the same friend. I left the same day as the wedding and tried to drive to Blacksburg but only made it as far as Staunton, where I stayed overnight with relatives. After arriving in Blacksburg after being gone for nearly a month, I alternated my time between Blacksburg and Hopewell spending time with family but also trying to experience a bit of Blacksburg summer. In Blacksburg I tried to make it to some Gravitate events (young adults group from my church), pioneer girls summer activities and most importantly work on packing up all my things and preparing to vacate my apartment.
July 13th I finally moved out of my apartment. I spent most of the following week at the Young's home, where they very graciously let me stay in their basement and come and go as I needed. It was a huge blessing to feel so much at home and have my own space in the middle of all the other going ons. Saturday my brother got married, and oh my, what a special day!!! I spent Friday and Saturday night at a hotel with my folks and extended relatives before heading back to Hopewell, VA (my grandparents' place). Monday my parents, sister and I headed up to Burke, VA to get acquainted with my parents' new apartment and then the following day, July 21st, my sister and I took off for New York. We spent a week at my grandparents cottage getting it ready for them to move in but we also goofed off and spent some great time together reminding each other daily that we were "on vacation"! This past Tuesday, July 28th, we drove over to Massachusetts to visit cousins near Springfield. The next day we drove all the way back down to Hopewell which ended up taking over 13 hours. Arriving completely exhausted at 2:30 am we crashed in our clothes and left everything in the car.
It is now 5:36 am Friday morning and I'm awake, still unable to get my body back on a proper sleeping schedule. Maybe I should stay up all day, which they say is the way to cure jet lag.
For a quick recap, because everything I wrote above is way too long and detailed, I have traveled between all the following places in the past 2 months: Blacksburg, Hopewell, Richmond, Atlanta, Miami, Barcelona (Venezuela), Miami, Perry Fl, Columbia SC, Myrtle Beach, Hopewell, Mercersburg PA, Staunton, Blacksburg, Hopewell, Blacksburg, Hopewell, Blacksburg, Hopewell, Burke, Broadalbin NY, Springfield MA then Hopewell (crossing through these states at some point - Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, & Maryland).
I think it's a bit much. Perhaps. I'm starting to feel like a rockstar! (not really).
So is that all? Am I done? Not quite. Tomorrow I'm going back up to Burke because my parents will be back from their trip to Wheaton, IL. But I'll be staying there for at least a whole month while I take my TEFL course with LADO International.
July 15, 2009
Ben getting married
Anyways, I got a little sentimental and wound up with this:

July 10, 2009
A bit of this, a bit of that.
Anyways, These past couple of days have been great as excitement has been building up in me about the next phase of life I'm headed for. As of monday I will be homeless and I'm currently unemployed and have a college debt to pay BUT I couldn't care less. There are awesome things in store for my future and I can't wait to see what they are. I don't want to let any more life pass me by. I want to live it to the full, every moment of every day.
God is so good and takes wonderful care of his children!
One more thing, my mom and I were accepted into the TESOL course at LADO International! From August 3 until August 28 I will be extremely busy taking classes 9:00 - 6:00 everyday but I am seriously looking forward to it.
For more info on the course, check out their site: LADO certificate course.
June 27, 2009
A vision, materializing?
So what is it now, you may ask. In my previous post I recounted my discussion with a missionary couple from Venezuela. That talk has turned me in the direction of teaching the english language, both as a way to support myself, but also a means to reach people for Christ. I've been trying to devise a plan to get training, pay off college debt, join a sending agency and just take care of all the other things that stand between now and my being able to serve overseas. I was originally thinking of heading back to Venezuela to join a team training Venezuelan missionaries. I'm not ruling this out, but for some reason after hours and hours of research about TESOL, I have become particularly interested in Thailand. Not only would it be a fascinating country to get certified in and teach, but the population is considered to be only 0.7 % Christian. There is a huge need here for the spread of the gospel and other kinds of work. I'm just getting started on this path but more than ever I am very determined to see this through!
Still, before I make any "permanent" decisions, I need to wait before God for his leading and confirmation. Much prayer is needed!
Here is a link for the TESOL certificate program in Bangkok.
May 22, 2009
Direction, once more!
But anyways two days ago I heard back from a camp that I had applied to for a year-long internship. They sent me two lines letting me know they weren't going to hire me and told me they were going to proceed with other applicants who were "more suited to their needs". I was pretty sad about the whole thing because I had really wanted it and sensed God was maybe leading me in that direction. But realizing that crying about it wasn't going to change a thing, I decided to just move on, look up, look forward and not worry about it.
Two days later I am amazed at all that has taken place. I'm only down here in Venezuela for two short weeks just to help my family move and go to my sister's graduation, (or so I thought) but clearly God has his own plans. Today I spent several hours talking with a missionary couple down here. My family has known them for what seems like forever. My parents met the wife on their first visit to Venezuela before they even went to language school in Costa Rica. I was probably 2 at the time. It really is a whole long story. But the point of the story is, they were sharing with me the vision they have for the work they are doing here in Venezuela. The passion and excitement they have is contagious. As they shared about where God was leading them and the specific needs they had I got more and more interested. They essentially are trying to put a system/program in place to train up Venezuelan missionaries to send to the 10/40 window. I can go into more details about that's so very exciting and brilliant!
I am nearly ready to fall asleep, but just want to say that in a year or so I may find myself returning to Venezuela to join their team. (I'm inserting this comment here to say that since I first wrote this I have realized it will most likely be several years as I need to get different types of training and pay off my college debt). There are many many other things that seem to line up perfectly with how I have sensed God leading me and the training and skills I have acquired up to this point. Direction, purpose - something to aim for, what a wonderful, joyous blessing! But as always, this will only happen if it is the Lord's will. So now is the time to pray and seek out his leading. Still, if signposts continue to be as clear as the conversation today...I won't need much more convincing!
May 16, 2009
May 15, 2009
Photoshop fun
Also, at the senior's Grad Bash yesterday I ran into two guys that have worked at Horn Creek through VT's Cru Chapter! It was pretty cool hearing them talk about it and how amazing of an experience they had. Still hoping I get picked!
Abby fall festival '07

MAE @ VT for Grad Bash

Best MAE fan

May 11, 2009
Waiting, still waiting - but with such hope!
This quote is phenom. "We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations."
~ Chuck Swindoll. Got to remember that.
In view of these things, if I am not offered a position at Horn Creek, surely there is something else. Regardless of what goes down in the next couple of weeks, I am thrilled to find myself being realigned with the core of who I am, who I was created to be. God wants for me to do those things he himself has given me a desire for, that which I am overwhelmed with a passion for.
A little over a year ago I was staring down at shattered pieces of my life. Here's a post describing my feelings at the time. Today I am whole, looking up and forward, something I hardly imagined I would do once again. I have joy and I have desire and I have determination. I am blessed in excess. Thank you dear Father, for your tender mercies!
May 08, 2009
All I once held dear
All I once held dear, built my life upon
All this world reveres, and wars to own
All I once thought gain I have counted loss
Spent and worthless now, compared to this
Knowing you, Jesus
Knowing you, there is no greater thing
You're my all, you're the best
You're my joy, my righteousness
And I love you, Lord
Now my heart's desire is to know you more
To be found in you and known as yours
To possess by faith what I could not earn
All-surpassing gift of righteousness
Oh, to know the power of your risen life
And to know you in your sufferings
To become like you in your death, my Lord
So with you to live and never die
April 16, 2009
Deux ans après
April 14, 2009
Consider the birds of the air
Whatever happened to me during college, one aspect of it could be described as putting me in a box with a whole bunch of other random objects, shaking it all up and then tossing everything back out hoping I'd land on my feet. A huge part of me is introspective. I feast on my surroundings, take them in and then mull over them for what seems like centuries before coming to an understanding of them by a rather circuitous route. Even so, I guess I simply haven't sufficiently processed all that has happened in me and around me over the past 5 years. And so I marched, like a soldier in formation, overworking my already tired self with fierce mental exercises that tried to map out the future for me then and there. I took out the old, full list of careers and paths I've thought of pursuing at one point or another. Each one was thrown onto the drawing board for critique and red ink, and not a one stood out as a winner. Somehow I managed to cross streets and dodge cars while deep in thought.
Finally exhausted and nearly in tears I stopped for a moment to touch a branch of a weeping Alaskan cedar (yes I looked it up later). The long, drooping boughs looked soft and gentle, yet as I ran my finger over the branch I felt the gentle pricks of the little needles. I stayed, arrested in that spot and breathed in the air. It was cool and damp, filled with the smell of spring rain, fresh grass and new growth. I started thinking about birds and flowers, and how they have no cares or worries. They do not sow nor reap, yet they are provided for abundantly. I decided to stop calculating feverishly and soak in God's beauty. In a little patch of forest adjacent to the Holiday Inn parking lot right off Prices Fork I stood and looked up at the tall, quiet trees. They were housing a scampering squirrel and a handful of birds. I watched a blue jay with a scrap of white fabric in her beak as she tried to fray and tear it on the branch beneath her. The squirrel caught my eye with his frenzy of movement and I realized he was trying to dry himself out after the rain! After rubbing himself down all over with his tail just like a bath towel, he would wring it out like a propeller behind him to dry it out and start over again. The most curious thing!
In that small haven of peace I thought of the Secret Garden and renewed my desire to one day have my own quiet retreat, decked out in the splendor of creation. Wonderful, isn't it, that God is our place of refreshment whenever we need it, all day long? I wondered about my life and how it could be akin to a garden and a quote from Dag Hammarskjöld came to mind (second Secretary General of the United Nations). "He who wants to keep his garden tidy does not reserve a plot for weeds." I mused on this and it occurred to me that maybe I've been doing too much of this. In my attempts to keep myself unsullied from the things of this world, perhaps I have poured too much pesticide and weedkiller all over my garden so that not even flowers can grow. I am nearly too afraid to be in this world, even though all the while I know I am not of it. By no means am I to invite fleshly things to take root in my garden, but I must keep the soil healthy, nuture and tend the good things so that they may grow strong and beautiful. I feel as if I have uprooted all my roses with the thistles and am facing a now desolate sight.
Jesus said, "My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful."
My heart has been so very, very troubled. In this, one more thing, my faith seems to be failing. However, these past couple of days I have been reading through Deuteronomy. God repeatedly tells Israel that he will go before them, leading them into the land that he has promised them, a land flowing with milk and honey. I think I am ready to go in and possess my portion of the inheritance.
Lord, give me eyes to see across the Jordan, into the land that you have given me.
April 13, 2009
So We Crossed the Valley

Quote for the day:
"If by doing some work which the undiscerning consider 'not spiritual work' I can best help others, and I inwardly rebel, thinking it is the spiritual for which I crave, when in truth it is the interesting and exciting, then I know nothing of Calvary love."
~ Amy Carmichael
(Photo taken at Glen Alton, Va)
Reflections from Deuteronomy Chapters 1&2
First - Most obvious to me is the fact that God works on our behalf. He has planned and ordained our futures and has given us directions for following his plans. (1:8, 30&31).
"The Lord has been with you, and you have not lacked anything." (2:7).
Second - We falter when we become afraid of seeming odds against us, the giant obstacles in front of us. Instead of trusting a God who has already shown himself faithful (1:32), we get discouraged and turn back, refusing to obey God's commands.
Third - God is in no hurry. He will let us "wander in the wilderness" as long as it takes for us to be purged of disbelief and disobedience (1:40). Verse 45 is especially sobering to me:
"You came back and wept before the Lord, but he paid no attention to your weeping and turned a deaf ear to you."
If I am whining and complaining to God about my dissatisfaction with my circumstances and he seems quite aloof, maybe it's because he is not going to cater to me being a crybaby in the face of his discipline. The sooner I confess my wrong doing and humbly repent, the sooner we can get on to the next step.
Fourth - We will not be left to wander the wilderness forever, and must be ready and willing to take the next step of faith as soon as it presents itself.
"Then the Lord said to me, 'You have made your way around this hill country long enough; now turn north.'" (2:3)
[Aside, I can't help but draw connections between this and my own life: Is it time to leave this hill country of Blacksburg and head to Northern Virginia?]
Fifth - We will be given commands that must be obeyed even though they don't seem like an end in and of themselves. We can't hold back simply because we do not understand the full purpose of that which is asked of us. For example, verse 2:13:
"And the Lord said, 'Now get up and cross the Zered Valley.'
So we crossed the valley."
Thirty eight years had already gone by, since the disobedience of Israel sent them into the desert, and they were now getting so close. Yet this was just one more step to be taken BEFORE being led into the promised land.
My God is one who has gone ahead of me in my journey, in fire by night and in a cloud by day, to search out places for me to camp and to show me the way I should go (1:33).
Will I follow him across the valley?
March 26, 2009
In the open
I started following the Sovereign Grace Ministries blog and like what C.J. Mahaney said today:
No matter how much planning, scheduling, and discipline is present in my life, I will never completely redeem the time. I am a finite creature, limited in what I can accomplish, and further limited by my sin. So it should surprise nobody that I leave to-dos undone each and every day.
My joy is not derived from the flawless execution of my goals. My joy each day is derived from the person and work of Jesus Christ on the cross.
Only God gets his to-do list done each day. I need the cross of Christ each day.
March 24, 2009
Why can't I just do that? Have faith. God is truly good. I have heard story upon story of God's incredible faithfulness in the lives of others who trusted him above all things. I have seen him work faithfully in my own life and the life of my family. I need to quit trying to push God around and just STOP and be STILL and know that He is GOD (not me). The God who was faithful to Abraham, Joseph, Ruth, David and Paul - that is my God! The God who has been faithful to Helen Roseveare, Corrie Ten Boom, Brother Andrew, and Arthur & Wilda Mathews - that is my God! How wavery and sickly is my faith. I need to whip it into shape! But even if my faith is no bigger than a mustard seed, God will still, always and forever, be faithful to me.
And may I add that this statement from Eugene Peterson seems to be spot on: "The early stages of Christian belief are not infrequently marked with miraculous signs and exhilarations of spirit. But as discipleship continues the sensible comforts (those that depend on our physical senses) gradually disappear, for God does not want us neurotically dependent upon him, but willingly trustful in him. And so he weans us."
March 22, 2009
The One I desire
When night falls I realize that all day long I have desired you.
The mystery of it all draws my heart time after time.
I spend my day searching for what I do not know.
Nothing else fills me.
I am left aching and gasping for breath,
By the things of this world so empty, so cheap.
I want to lay motionless on the floor until you move me.
Hurting and confused, I have no where else to turn.
I feel let down and alone yet you care to be there.
How long will I wait for you to come?
Come quickly and do not let me faint while I wait.
My legs grow weary as I'm always running to you.
But I will not relent this pursuit of you
Until I am surrounded by your splendor forever and ever.
Then I will rejoice in your constant presence, glorious!
I need you desperately, every hour of every day.
Won't you come and be with me now?
When my spirit recognizes your presence
I want to freeze the moment to forever dwell near you.
Like eye contact with a stranger that stirs something inside -
Except you know me more deeply than does anyone else!
I had been trading pieces of me for vanity and chains.
But now you have given me yourself
While taking all of me.
I was not lost forever, but you found me.
A love song everlasting is what I wish to sing!
March 02, 2009
LOST fanatic
(If you decide to click on the image hit ctrl + to enlarge)

February 18, 2009
In Earnest
February 16, 2009
A different perspective
But are we capable of looking farther ahead? What if we not only carried each other's burdens but also had a vision for their growth, desiring to see them transformed in Christ?
Hebrews 10:24-25 says "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."
One thing I've been noticing in my own life is that I have a huge drive to try to control things. I want things to turn out a certain way. I have expectations for the way things should work out and when they don't happen just like I want, I fall apart, act hopeless, blame myself or others and repeat the whole worry cycle. I am so nearsighted. I see in black and white and only about two feet in front of myself. I need to understand that God's ways are above my ways, that he IS working all things out for the good of those who love him (Ro 8:28). I also need to let go of the feeling that I am responsible for the actions of others. Each man is responsible to God for their own actions; I have only to give an account for myself.
I'm constantly striving, straining and groaning - grabbing pieces of things and trying to put them together and fix them myself. The pain and consequence of sin in my life and the lives of others is real, but can I not also have hope and expect good things? As much as I agonize over brokenness, I should be equally looking for and longing for wholeness, the transforming power of redemption.
Isaiah 55:8-11
8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD.
9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
10 As the rain and the snow
come down from heaven,
and do not return to it
without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
God is in the process of changing lives, softening hearts, transforming minds, and renewing souls. It is his job, not mine. And he WILL accomplish all that he desires. Thanks be to God!

January 23, 2009
A New Year and a tragically lost life.
I was so bent on going to law school, and yet still might, but feel as if that door has been gently closed for the moment. Another has opened, however, and I am planning on moving to Northern Virginia sometime this summer to enroll in a community college to get my paralegal degree. I will have a chance to figure out if I like law at all before committing myself to a large debt & at least 3 years of schooling, while getting a useful training for an actual profession (yay!).
I made it through Christmas and New Year's by just visiting random friends and family and trying to stay busy. I say it this way because since I wasn't with my immediate family which I am very close to it was more than a bit lonely. But I am so grateful to those who had me over and loved on me and shared their holiday cheer with me. I've been back in Blacksburg since the 3rd of January now, except for an extended weekend trip to visit my sister in NYC from which I returned 2 nights ago. After one full day back at work with a regular schedule and a real sense of normalcy and happiness comfortably permeating my life, something terrible happened once again at my alma mater.
This time, it wasn't just at my school, but at my place of work, and 3 co-workers were eye witnesses to a brutal murder of a young woman. I don't know how I'm supposed to process this. It still doesn't seem real. A part of my mind does the comparison thing saying, hey well this wasn't nearly as bad as 4/16, only one person has died, and you were not even acquainted with them! (My old french teacher was among those who lost their lives on that dark, very sad day in April 2007). Yet this was also a meticulously calculated affair, a brazen act of pure evil of horrific proportions. Every death is an ugly tragedy, and all life a beautiful miracle.
I used to work in the prep section behind the cafe and have even worked upfront in the cafe a number of times when we've been short-staffed. I can visualize it perfectly in my mind...I have horrible images in my mind, of things I haven't even seen but have only heard of. I don't want to think about it but can't help it. Another part of me has simply wanted to ignore it and pretend it didn't happen. But that's not working very well either. It looks like once again the only route to take is right through the thick of it, pondering all the hard questions. But again? I realized this evening while I was lost in my thoughts that this is only one of many tragic incidences I've been acquainted with in my life. When I was a kid I never imagined knowing of such awful, unspeakable things by the age of 22.
In trying to sort through this, I am so heavy hearted for the girl's family and everyone directly affected by this murder. I'm trying to see past it, but it's just so dark. One thing is clear to me, that mankind in his sinful nature is completely depraved and twisted. We may not all kill, but we are all capable, and unchecked by the Holy Spirit, our wicked desires could give birth to any number of things. I am scared by sin and the stench of evil -that so many give free reign to sinful desires in their lives instead of falling at the feet of Jesus and begging for mercy. There is only one healer and one savior, one way and one truth. Every other path leads to destruction.
I will add to this as more comes to me, but for now I am going to sleep. Hooray for blessed sleep!