So it just occured to me that in less than 2 months I should already be in Korea.
Wow. Yikes. I'm trying to get a feel for how long that is, and it's roughly how long I've been working as a secretary which doesn't feel very long at all. I bet those 2 months are going to fly right by.
Meanwhile, there's the waiting. Right now the ball's not in my court. I sent all my documents to Korea a while back. Now I am just waiting to get a visa issuance number so I can apply for my E2-visa at the Korean embassy. After an interview at the embassy, assuming I get my visa, all that will be left to do is buying a plane ticket. Important things remain to be done, yes, but it seems much simpler and straight forward than when I first started this process, staring up from the bottom of the mountain. Now I feel like I've gone over the top and am sliding back done to the finish line.
But really, just getting to Korea will only be the beginning. There is so much more to come. It's been so long since I was in the classroom teaching that I worry I've forgotten all that I picked up. I really hope that I can hit the ground running. I've never really been a teacher before. I will have very real and steady responsibilities. 8 to 9 hours of work each day, 5 days a week. I can't help but wonder if I'm truly up for the task. Well I aim to give it all I've got. I suppose that's the best a person can do anyhow.
For now I'm just doing my thing, working part-time, helping here and there. I plan on going through all of my belongings and downsizing as much as possible. I don't like the idea of hanging on to possessions that really aren't necessary and I'd hate to leave a bunch of useless things behind to have to deal with a year from now. But then there's things like the dolls I want to save for my children one day. Childhood keepsakes, shells from Venezuela, things that are worthless to others but have such intrinsic meaning for me. I will be keeping some things that's for sure!
Well that's enough for now. Just thinking about how things are going to change before too long. Big time. I'd better be ready!
GooOOoooOooOooo Heather! I'm so excited for you! :)