January 14, 2010

First Post of the Year!

Phew...it's been scarcely over 15 days since I last posted here, yet it seems much longer than that. Or maybe it's the way time sometimes comes to a standstill, and a day is as a week.

I'm still waiting on word about my visa. Apparently the school is working on it but they are in no hurry since they feel they have plenty of time. Yes there still is time, but I hate to leave things to the last minute and I still need to get an appointment at the Korean embassy once I get my visa number to apply for the actual visa. Does that sound a tad confusing? It does to me, which I think is why I'm so anxious to get on with it! Still, "patience child," I say to myself. All will work out as the Lord has willed in His sovereignty.

I've also been sick more or less since the big snowfall we had in December and I'm now on my second round of antibiotics. Hopefully these ones will do the trick. I am so thankful for medicine! As soon as I get my energy back I will hopefully have the courage to really tackle all the belongings I have here and do a good pre-departure sorting. There's no telling when I'll be back!

Other developments have sprung up in my life and overall I have so much to be grateful for and excited about. I'm still enjoying my secretary job and it's been really cool getting to know more people at the church. I also recently discovered that a friend of mine will be staying in Korea for her second year of teaching ESL. The best part is that she and her husband will be working and living in the same section of Seoul as I will be! This news was so amazing to hear and I am all the more eager to get things ready so that I can fly over to Korea and get started on this next phase of my life!

I'm going to do my best to stay optimistic and hopefull. All things may still work out.

p.s. I just got word that I should get my visa issuance number in another week and a half. We shall see.

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