February 10, 2010

Countdown begins, excitement mounts!

I just realized that I'm finally getting really excited about moving to Korea! I think I was holding back because I didn't want to get my hopes up. But now I have a contract, a visa, and a plane ticket. I think I can start enjoying myself now!!!

An adventure. A completely new experience. A demanding job. I actually am kinda scared! Yes, Heather McMillan is afraid of new and afraid of change. But in a good, healthy way, I think.

That aside, Yippeeee!! I will be flying across the U.S. to the West Coast, to California. I've never been that far west before! Of course, I won't be seeing much more than LAX, but I don't care. Then, I get to cross the Pacific Ocean, including the International Date Line!!! How fantastic is that? It's like I'll be traveling through time. A-MA-zing. I'm looking forward to having my world expanded.

 My threshold of travel experience is going to burst at the seams!

Alright, so in 15 days, this all takes off. Phew. I had better be ready . . . . . bring it!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see your pictures! and don't worry, we will definitely be in contact! I am gonna miss you sis but I know that what you are doing is part of God's plan for your life and an experience that will shape you more in his image! Love you!!!! I am going to see you in 2 days!!!
